Hello people! It’s summer! No time for frequent updates, but still i managed to pull one! I got such rare games for last months that i desperately wanted to show them to you! I’ve been searching for those for many years…but the search is over finally!
Incredible games darksol! Congrats for Vasteel and Resident Evil. Its not good idea though to say you found a ntsc at ebay uk cause all snipers will come here, lol!
You hair are even longer now…i’m jealous!!! 😮
naaah i only got like 2 games for 10 years, so not worthy browsing 🙂
Thanx mate!!!
first of all…. i’ll fuck you just cos of the hair.
second… x2 first… and third… how much you cost for an hour?
(no i don’t care about you showing the games)
i hope you rubbed yourself really hard!! :cuddle:
Nice back story to the games.!!
Thanx mate! I really enjoy all kind of stories, more then the games themselves.. Most of these COLLECTORS videos are so boring… i got this.. now i got this. and this. FUCK THIS. lol
Nice video DS 🙂
The vasteel game got me excited….
thanx dude! This is a graility grail. Nearly impossible to find sealed.