Well this is gonna be expensive : DONKEY KONG COUNTRY NINTENDO SUPER NES
1 day to go and already 2310 euro. Pretty impressive and is already over the record 2016 euro of Super Mario World (classics).
God knows what will be in the end. Blisters are incredibly hard to get in good condition. They are usually yellowed and cracked.
By the way, same same seller also sells very cool DUCK TALES NINTENDO and POLE POSITION F1 NINTENDO GAME BOY also in blister. Duck Tales is the game i played to death in my childhood. Love it so much 🙂
PS: a couple of weeks ago a Castlevania Vampire Kiss SNES.Neuf Sous Blister also showed up and disappeared in a blink of an eye. No wonder… lol. This game might be the most expensive blister game in history if auctioned properly and paid/sold. But for this one.. We have no proof if it was a REAL deal at least and not a reproduction in some tennis blister… So who knows what happened, with one half-box crappy picture hard to predict.
See you all soon, assholes!
donkey kong blister is for sure porn..
that C vampire kiss … crap game yes
duck tales on game boy! …yeaaaa… wtf is game boy LOL
you should try something called playstation 3! they say it’s
better then NES!!!!!